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Seamfix Care Features Handpicked For Occupational Health Service Providers

by Temidayo Afolabi

Occupational health service providers are daily saddled with an endless list of responsibilities – scheduling meetings, performing health checks, collating medical reports, and issuing health passports. These activities, done manually, sometimes pose challenges to OH professionals physically and mentally, thereby affecting efficiency. The much-needed solution to these challenges can be found in a single orchestrated platform built with and for the occupational health industry.


Forward-thinking OHS organizations leverage the power of modern technology to increase their efficiency and productivity and consequently boost their revenue.


Here’s how Seamfix Care can help you as an occupational health service propvider function optimally.


Blockchain technology with APIs to create digital health passports and store data

With the perfect fusion of APIs and blockchain-powered technology, Seamfix Care automatically generates an accessible, verifiable, and tamper-proof health certificate for workers based on the result of their health checks.

Core biometric capabilities like facial IDQR to drive secure worker identification

Identity is a big feature of Seamfix Care since it allows for uniqueness and easy sorting of workers’ information. Seamfix Care adopts a core biometric system to make identification seamless.

Integrated cloud platform to pull critical business data from other sources

Wave goodbye to the days of sorting through computer files and shelves. Easily search and pull up medical data of your clients on request.

Web portal and Android application for total accessibility

No one gets left out; Seamfix Care provides options for OHSPs with access to either the web portal or an Android-enabled device, for when you’re on the go or have to be proactive.

Assured accreditation, confidentiality, and compliance

With Seamfix Care, you can go beyond automated credential issuance and now be assured of the genuineness of your records since they cannot be altered or falsified by unauthorised persons.

Alerts and notifications engine for key reminders

Stay up to date with timely notifications about scheduled appointments. You no longer have to forget or miss important work dates or events. 

Optimum information security

Seamfix Care helps you leverage secure cloud-based storage for your clients’ medical records and other critical information, allowing only your clients and other authorised persons access to their data.


Seamfix Care boasts of more solutions beyond the listed above, but with these listed features added to your work process, you are well on your way to taking your profession to the next level. Be among the Occupational Health professionals doing smart and effective work with Seamfix Care. 

Book a demo session today to see these features in action; you are about to become the OHSP of the future!