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Seamfix Care Features Handpicked For Occupational Health Service Providers

by Temidayo Afolabi

Occupational health service providers are daily saddled with an endless list of responsibilities – scheduling meetings, performing health checks, collating medical reports, and issuing health passports. These activities, done manually, sometimes pose challenges to OH professionals physically and mentally, thereby affecting efficiency. The much-needed solution to these challenges can be found in a single orchestrated platform built with and for the occupational health industry.


Forward-thinking OHS organizations leverage the power of modern technology to increase their efficiency and productivity and consequently boost their revenue.


Here’s how Seamfix Care can help you as an occupational health service propvider function optimally.


Blockchain technology with APIs to create digital health passports and store data

With the perfect fusion of APIs and blockchain-powered technology, Seamfix Care automatically generates an accessible, verifiable, and tamper-proof health certificate for workers based on the result of their health checks.

Core biometric capabilities like facial IDQR to drive secure worker identification

Identity is a big feature of Seamfix Care since it allows for uniqueness and easy sorting of workers’ information. Seamfix Care adopts a core biometric system to make identification seamless.

Integrated cloud platform to pull critical business data from other sources

Wave goodbye to the days of sorting through computer files and shelves. Easily search and pull up medical data of your clients on request.

Web portal and Android application for total accessibility

No one gets left out; Seamfix Care provides options for OHSPs with access to either the web portal or an Android-enabled device, for when you’re on the go or have to be proactive.

Assured accreditation, confidentiality, and compliance

With Seamfix Care, you can go beyond automated credential issuance and now be assured of the genuineness of your records since they cannot be altered or falsified by unauthorised persons.

Alerts and notifications engine for key reminders

Stay up to date with timely notifications about scheduled appointments. You no longer have to forget or miss important work dates or events. 

Optimum information security

Seamfix Care helps you leverage secure cloud-based storage for your clients’ medical records and other critical information, allowing only your clients and other authorised persons access to their data.


Seamfix Care boasts of more solutions beyond the listed above, but with these listed features added to your work process, you are well on your way to taking your profession to the next level. Be among the Occupational Health professionals doing smart and effective work with Seamfix Care. 

Book a demo session today to see these features in action; you are about to become the OHSP of the future!

Seamfix Partners With Amazon Web Services as Hosts on COMIT Happy Hour Webinar

by Temidayo Afolabi

When most people hear the term “blockchain”, they envision a centralized system that solely powers the cryptocurrency space. Meanwhile, it is a versatile technology that is applicable across multiple niches.


On the 29th of July, 2022, the much-anticipated community meetup of owners, contractors, vendors, and academia was graced by tech heavyweights such as Seamfix’s Head of UK / International Marketing Development, Adrian Walter, Co-Founder & Executive Director, Chibuzor Onwurah, and Amazon Web Services Global Segment and Tech Lead WEB3 / Blockchain, Shai Perednik.


In an attempt to emphasise how blockchain is a tested-and-trusted technology in a thriving industry like construction, Seamfix was at the forefront, partnering with Amazon Web Services in this COMIT webinar to discuss how digital health connects with digital construction by maximising the power of blockchain.


In recent times, the absolute safety of workers has been a race to win for occupational health practitioners in every occupation. Several measures have been put in place, but the place of technological advancement cannot be overemphasised. Hence, Seamfix’s stance as a leading tech solution provider. 


The webinar themed “How Blockchain Enabled Health Passports Will Transform Occupational Health and Safety For Everyone in Construction” was used as an avenue to introduce Seamfix’s adoption of the WEB3’s self-sovereign system in the occupational health cycle. Adrian and Chibuzor re-echoed our position to provide occupational workers with some level of control over their health passports while all the information is still retained in the blockchain network.


Shai Perednik, a blockchain expert at AWS, concluded the session with an explanation of how blockchain will continue to be relevant in occupations such as construction, real estate, and other public ventures now and the future.

To watch the webinar’s recorded session, click here.

5 Ways Seamfix Care Can Improve Your Efficiency As An Occupational Health Practitioner

by Temidayo Afolabi

Being an Occupational Health practitioner or Occupational Health Service Provider makes you an integral part of an Occupational Health ecosystem that has been around for decades. Several Occupational Health practitioners have come and gone, but one thing has remained the same, the need to improve their everyday activity towards achieving workplace wellness via fewer procedures.

The world is constantly evolving and technology is making its mark in different spheres, including the Occupational Health industry, but some Occupational Health (OH) practitioners are still held back by the manual processes they use, whether as an OH admin or an OH manager. The Occupational Health industry today requires more. Better medical data security, error-free processes that enhance compliance at a high level, more ‘fit for work’ employees etc. All of these requirements go beyond what regular Occupational Health Service Providers(OHSPs) can achieve, and only a few exposed to contemporary technology can match the pace and thrive.

Become a better Occupational Health (OH) practitioner today with Seamfix Care, and take your practice to the next level with top-tier technology that automates your manual processes and boosts efficiency.

See beyond the days of paperwork, long queues, and overwhelming manual data filing.

Seamfix Care is a new technology uniquely built for OHSPs who want to see their practice from a different point of view – a seamless one that makes life easy for everyone.

Are you looking for ways to be more efficient as an OH practitioner with the singular use of a tool? Take a deep breath! Seamfix Care is the game-changing solution that can be used right from your mobile device(s).

Here are 5 ways Seamfix Care can make you a better OH practitioner. You will realise how easy your work can be. Read on:

From Analog to Digital

With Seamfix Care, you can save time and reduce operation costs as you digitise cumbersome administrative processes and issue verifiable digital health passports on the go.

Easy Auditing and Accreditation

With an all-in-one dashboard, Seamfix Care gives you a hold of everything you need to know – including your list of partnering contractors, workers needing medicals, their health status, and the due dates of their current health certificates. With this information at your fingertips, auditing becomes fast and accurate, and accreditation of newly enrolled or renewing workers for medicals becomes easy.

Less Marketing, More Revenue 

Being registered on Seamfix Care brings positive returns to your organisation by helping you stay visible in the marketplace. Seamfix Care enables you to get seen by users (workers and subcontractors) who need to work with Occupational Health Service Providers. Without placing an advert, you get positioned in front of your prospects.

Risk Management

Things can go from good to worse in a matter of seconds in a case of data mismanagement, mismatch, falsification, alteration, or loss. But with Seamfix Care, you can stay off risky paths by harnessing the power of blockchain technology to store health records that can only be accessed and verified by authorised parties.

Automated Processes, From Start to Finish 

From clients’ data collection to credential issuance and verification, Seamfix Care walks you through what should take a long time and effort to achieve with a few minimal steps. Now you can collect workers’ details electronically before they book appointments and show up for their tests.

Beyond these, Seamfix Care is a representation of the future of technology in the Occupational Health industry, don’t miss out on an opportunity to transform your Occupational Health practice. Want to know more about Seamfix Care? Book a demo session to learn more now.

Health and Safety in Construction

by Temidayo Afolabi

Completing a construction project at the set date is very important, but following the required health and safety precautions is more important. Here is why health and safety in construction will always be a relevant discourse.


Are you aware that despite the various acts put in place since physical labour jobs and safety-related issues came to the limelight, at least, one in every seven construction workers still gets injured on the job annually?


One of these acts is the Health and Safety at Work Act of 1974 which requires employees to co-operate with their employer on health and safety matters and not do anything that puts themselves or others at risk. This means that construction workers must keep themselves fit for work, and by extension, they must guarantee the safety of others through their activities. 


Construction workers must ensure that they are mentally and physically sound- not suffering from any condition that could make them lose consciousness or balance while working, and also take every precaution as their work permits to avoid any possible work hazard.


Only a fit construction worker lives to tell stories about the next construction projects


The Four Focus Hazards in Construction

The Four Focus Hazards are the most probable health hazards to occur on a construction site.


  • Fall Hazards: a prevalent hazard during construction is one where a worker loses balance or stands on poorly aligned platforms. This results in a couple of physical injuries to parts of the body like the arms, legs, ribs, and even the head.  


  • Caught-In-Between Hazards: This is a very dangerous hazard related to workers being stuck or squeezed between objects or surfaces. Most times, this could not be predicted or foreseen, hence the need to be well guarded and vigilant during construction sessions.


  • Struck-By Hazards: This form of hazard occurs when workers get hit by any object in motion; most times, it happens when an object is falling, dangling, or rolling over, and any injury sustained is as a result of the contact the object has with the worker.


  • Electrical Hazards: As the name implies, this occurs when a worker is exposed to a dangerous amount of electrical charge or source of electrical energy. This could go beyond causing mere physical injuries, but could disrupt the functionality of some body parts and may result in death.


Why Safety is Important in Construction

  • Minimal work-related accidents: The most important aim of health and safety in construction is to ensure that the rate of work-related accidents is drastically reduced. 
  • Public safety: If all safety measures and precautions are put in place on construction sites, then it extends to the public’s safety. Safety policies require that provisions like transport routes and pedestrian segregation, and caution signs are prepared to guide the public against walking into restricted, thus, dangerous work zones.
  • Cost-effectiveness: From the legal perspective, safety in construction saves employers from incurring extra compensation costs when workers sustain injuries on the site. It also helps to avoid any delay that may result from shutting down construction sites when this happens.


Health and safety will always be at the core of construction; workers need to be in their right minds before projects, they must be physically and mentally fit to execute tasks during projects, and they must protect themselves from reacting to any post-work or health conditions.

Blockchain: The Bridge Between Digital Health and Digital Construction

by Temidayo Afolabi

Technology is fast progressing and constantly caters to solutions in different spheres of human endeavour. In recent times, technology has found its way into medicine, birthing Digital Health and construction, and Digital Construction through radical developments like Building Information Modelling (BIM).


Digital health is adopting ICT in health and other medical practices to diagnose illnesses and prevent health escalations. It covers mobile health services, telemedicine, wearable gears and devices, and telehealth. Since it gained popularity, it has greatly accelerated access to healthcare services, improved the health awareness of the populace, and reduced loopholes in the health sector.


On the other hand, digital construction is a deviation from the manual mode of engaging construction work. It is the use of digital technologies or tools to improve the operation and execution of projects during construction.


Besides, who wants to return to the Stone Age?


With technology making its rounds in several industries, a welcome development in the health sector has been adopting blockchain technology into its everyday operations.


Blockchain is a decentralized digital system for storing data. Its unique feature revolves around avoiding falsification, as data stored cannot be changed, hacked into, or falsified. With this technology, Digital Health has pushed its boundaries into construction and provided an avenue for Occupational Health & Safety Management systems to operate flexibly in firms.


How Digital Health Supports Digital Construction Using Blockchain

The introduction of the Occupational Health & Safety Management System (OHMS) to the construction industry has greatly benefited construction workers, construction outputs, and the industry. OHMS includes various health records, policies, and standards adopted by the management of any organization, including construction firms.


With the high probability of recording injuries and casualties during construction projects, there is a need to reinforce adherence to health and safety procedures to reduce these and further health risks. Digital Health has come to play in creating an avenue for workers to be certified mentally and physically fit to work. This claim is backed up by a blockchain-powered digital certificate bearing the health records of the worker, which is verifiable by the asking party (sub-contractors, site owners, project owners, and even government agencies).


Since its inception, this blockchain-powered solution has been crucial in securely digitizing and storing workers’ medical data, giving them access to it without having to pass through tasking medical procedures. It does this as it ensures absolute data security as it cannot be altered or falsified.


Technology has come a long way and is here to stay, and the future of OHMS is in how much technological innovation is being adopted into the system.